Friday, July 19, 2013

Talking to 5-Year-Olds

I haven't written in months and I don't have a picture for this post.  These past several months have been some of the best months of my stay in Korea, yet I haven't felt driven to record most of them.  I will, eventually, when I have a moment and need to reminisce, but right now I can't.

Right now all I can think about is my students.  I told my preschoolers (age 5) today that in one week I am flying to America.  This is how the conversation went in our circle time this afternoon:

Me:  Cedar Class, I have something very important to tell you.  
Cedar Class: (silent)
Me: I have to go back to America.
Jacob: You will go on vacation?
Me: Kind of.  
Kevin: This weekend or Monday? (today is Friday)
Me: Well, I will see you on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday next week, but next Saturday I have to get on a plane and fly to America.
David: Why?
Me: That's a very good question.  I have to go to America because my family is there, and my husband is there...
Ellie: What is a husband?
Kevin: You have a husband?
Tony: I know it in Korean.  Can I say?
Me: Yes
Tony: 남편 
Kevin: You have one of those?!?
Me: (laughing) Yes, I do.  And I have many students in America who need me very soon, so I have to go to America and teach them.
Maria: That is why I gave you a goodbye present yesterday.
Me: Yes, that is why.  
Jacob: When will you come back?
Me: (crying) Well, Jacob, I can't come back.
Jacob: Why?
Me: Because my students will need me for a very long time.  But I am very sad to leave you.
Tony: You will stay in America forever?
Jacob: And you sleep there many times?
Me: Yes, I will. (still crying)
Catharina: I will miss you, Amie Teacher!
(The bell rings to go home)
Me: I will miss you all, too.
Alvin: You cannot see me in America, but you can see my dad when he goes to America.
Me: Oh, really?  Well, I hope I do.
David: You can see ME in America when I go on the vacation!  I will sleep three nights on the vacation!
Sophia: When I am 20 years old I will go to America and see you.
Me: I hope you do. It would be wonderful to see you.
Catharina: Amie Teacher, when you go to America I will miss you very much.
Me: I will miss you more.
Tony: Amie Teacher, what is your phone number?
Me: Maybe I can tell you on Monday.
Tony: That would be a good idea.  Then I can call you when you are in America.
Me: I would like that.  And perhaps next Friday we can have a party during our class time.
Tony: That would be a good idea, too.  I like parties.  But I think that we should bring a kind of snack to the party.
Me: Yes, of course.  I will definitely bring some snacks.
Tony:  Okay.  Then it will be a party.
Cedar Class: (as they walk out the door in a line) Good-bye, Amie Teacher!

That was one of the saddest conversations I have ever had.